Leading Wembley Prep School

Established in 1927, at Buxlow, we are proud to provide a learning environment that delivers excellence alongside nurturing resilient and responsible individuals.

We believe this is a hugely exciting time for education – preparing children for a future of new challenges by developing skills and attitudes to be adaptable and successful. At Buxlow, we achieve this having developed an innovative curriculum, one which utilises modern teaching techniques, employs contemporary resources, and encourages children to explore and inquire rather than simply regurgitate and retain.

This approach to education alongside our small class sizes allows us to provide an accelerated curriculum where pupils achieve above expectations throughout the school, and we encourage an ambitious approach to achievement in academic, sport, music and the Arts, helping each child to achieve their full potential.

All of this is tied together by a wonderfully strong and supportive community – our staff are excellent practitioners; our parents closely involved in our efforts, but most importantly, our children constantly demonstrate themselves to be considerate, emotionally-mature individuals who recognise the strength that comes from our close-knit, family focussed community.

Our Mission Statement

What makes Buxlow special?

Small Class Sizes

With an average class size of 10, our staff are able to provide individualised input and support to all pupils, where each child receives focused time with staff to improve their understanding and extend their ability. This means that we can provide relevant, pupil-specific preparation for senior school applications, and ensure that every child reaches their full potential.

Philosophy for Children: P4C

2024 sees the launch of P4C across the school as a weekly, timetabled activity.

P4C is a philosophical approach to learning and teaching that enables students to think with others and to think for themselves.

P4C encourages teachers and pupils to think in a caring, collaborative, creative and critical way and develops the skills, attitudes and dispositions for higher level

  • Ability to work with others
  • Builds communication skills
  • Raises self esteem
  • Develops social responsibility
  • Promotes respect and understanding
  • Develops reasoning skills
  • Promotes logical, critical and reflective thinking

You can look forward to some interesting conversations at the dinner table!

Apple Certified Teachers

All our teachers are Apple Certified Teachers, and our curriculum incorporates a wide range of apps, utilising movie making, coding, musical composition amongst many others. Our pupils will be tech savvy and will understand the positives and the perils of technology in their lives.

Breadth of Opportunities

We believe that success goes beyond simple academic achievement, and so ensure that pupils have a wide range of additional opportunities. We have a broad range of extra-curricular activities, plus chances for children to participate in music, art and drama performances, excursions, residentials and sporting fixtures, all of which increases confidence and enthusiasm beyond the classroom to support personal development.

Our Community

Our pupils are a huge part of what makes us special! The size of our School means that each child and each member of staff knows every member of our community. Pupils can be trusted to help each other, and our parent body is wonderfully supportive, creating an environment where children feel confident to tackle new challenges.

Where next?