Philosophy for Children (P4C)

2024 sees the launch of P4C across the school as a weekly, timetabled activity.

P4C is a philosophical approach to learning and teaching that enables students to think with others and to think for themselves and gives them a wonderful sense of agency.

P4C encourages teachers and pupils to think in a caring, collaborative, creative and critical way and develops the skills, attitudes and dispositions for higher level thinking:

  • Ability to work with others
  • Builds communication skills
  • Raises self esteem
  • Develops social responsibility
  • Promotes respect and understanding
  • Develops reasoning skills
  • Promotes logical, critical and reflective thinking

Philosophy for Children (P4C) was created by Professor Lipman in the late 1960s, and it is aim was to encourage children to be more reasonable, reflective and considerate.

P4C is essentially about developing thinking and reasoning skills, through talking and posing challenging questions. These questions cover a range of subjects and experiences. P4C is designed to get everybody thinking… Not all questions can be answered but all answers can be questioned!

What does a P4C session look like?

Generating a philosophical question:
After the children have had time to investigate the stimulus individually, with a partner and as a class, they then have to generate a question. The children are encouraged to develop their skills at developing a philosophical question, They learn to understand which type of questions generate a good enquiry and which provide a very closed line of enquiry. Closed question: What colour is Goldilocks dress Philosophical question: Can it ever be right to break into somebody’s house?
Deciding on a line of enquiry
After generating their questions the pupils have the agency to choose which question they want to discuss. The children vote for the line of enquiry they wish to develop.
The children then discuss the question. They listen to each other, share ideas, agree, disagree, build upon each others’ ideas and all have to the chance to contribute.
Completing the enquiry
After a set period of time the enquiry will be brought to a close and the facilitator (the teacher) will recap on the ideas covered and discussed.

You can learn more about P4C here


Buxlow is part of the Eco Schools England award scheme, having achieved our Silver Award in December 2019. In 2023 we were proud to have achieved the prestigious Eco-Schools Green Flag status having completed the seven steps. Not only have we successfully renewed our Eco Schools Green Flag award for 24-25, but we achieved the highest grade of Distinction.

You can find out more about Eco-Schools here.

You can read our recent Eco-Schools newsletter here.

Technology Led Learning

Apple created the Apple Distinguished Educators (ADE) programme to recognise primary, secondary and higher education pioneers who are using Apple technology to transform teaching and learning. We are proud that all our teachers at Buxlow School are Apple Teachers. 

Find out more about Apple Distinguished Educators here.

NACE Member

The National Association for Able Children in Education (NACE) works with schools, education leaders and practitioners to improve provision for more able learners. Being a member school enables our teachers to access the latest resources, webinars, coaching and networking opportunities to develop their teaching.

Learn more about the NACE by clicking here.