We understand that busy parents need support to ensure that their children are taken care of before and after school hours.

This is why our wraparound care program offers extended care services, such as before and after school clubs, and flexible pick-up and drop-off times.

Our wraparound care provision aims to provide a safe and nurturing environment for students while also providing parents with peace of mind. Whether parents need to drop off their children earlier than usual or pick them up later in the evening, our wraparound care program offers a convenient and reliable solution.

School Timings:

08:15 - 08:30 Arrival

08:45 Registration

10:30 Break Time

12:30 - 13:30 Lunch Time

15:15: Reception Class Dismissal

15:25: Years 1 & 2 Dismissal

15:35: Years 4, 5 & 6 Dismissal

Extra-Curricular Clubs run until 16:30

After School Care until 18:00. £10.00 for collection after 16:15

Opening Hours

Having children in Buxlow School & Nursery couldn’t be easier. Our wraparound care means that pupils can be onsite from 08:00 every morning until 18:00 each night.

Morning Care

From 8.00 to 8.15, children are supervised by a member of teaching staff, before being escorted to the playground to join other class members for registration. This allows them to start their morning in a calm and productive manner. There is also a breakfast club available for a small fee.

After School Care

If your child does not participate in one of our Extracurricular Clubs, they are welcome to join our After School Care Club. Healthy and nutritious snacks are provided and a range of engaging activities. There is a charge of £10 for collection after 16:15